GTA Remastered Trilogy Making a Fall Debut

Sources from Kotaku believe that Rockstar Games should have the Grand Theft Auto, Remastered Trilogy ready in October or November of this year. The three games within the set include GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas. This franchise is one of the most successful and well-loved among the gaming community, and fans speculated about a new release coming soon for years. According to Kotaku, these video games are in the final stages of the development process for their upcoming release. Though the sixth edition may still be a ways off, these remastered classics are something to celebrate for those who love the game.

GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas | Credi: Kotaku & Rockstar Games


Experts claim that Rockstar Games have a priority for the console versions of the GTA Remastered Trilogy. It will be available on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 and the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S. The Nintendo Switch will have access to the trilogy too, which is the first time the franchise has come to the company since Chinatown Wars with the DS. Finally, the games will come to the PC, mobile devices via an app, and Stadia platforms at the beginning of 2022. Every release is only available through digital purchase.

Grand Theft Auto China Wars | Credit: Rockstar Games

Game Development

Ruffman Games Limited, now known as Rockstar Dundee, is a subsidiary of Rockstar, and they are in charge of the GTA Remastered Trilogy, according to sources. Rockstar Dundee is the game developer behind the Master Chief Halo Collection and some of the Crackdown series. The Unreal Engine is the software of choice for specific development purposes. The goal is to have the vintage feel of the originals with some modern updates and features. The goal is to have a user interface in place that is attractive, responsive, and playable for each gamer.

Crackdown | Credit: Xbox Game Studios

Graphic Updates

As mentioned, the primary change coming to all three games in the GTA Remastered Trilogy are the visual experiences. The originals are over 20 years old, so the colors are very dull, and the backgrounds and people are a bit block-like. Some visual information will stay like the original, so do not expect the most beautiful game with graphic details that are overly realistic. The goal is to build that sense of nostalgia that this franchise should offer. The original release date was in January of 2021, so in the process of updating 20-year-old graphics, it makes sense that there would be a delay.

GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas | Credi: Kotaku & Rockstar Games

UI Updates

Again, Rockstar wants to update the user interface for the GTA Remastered Trilogy. The game will play more similarly to the setups found in Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V. Many of the same storylines and styles are still present, however, again, to boost that nostalgia. The game developers want to keep things as similar as possible to the originals while updating the playability and the fun for its users. These individuals have the task of working with much more powerful consoles that may not be as responsive to the old gameplay settings, hence why there is a need for an update.

Grand Theft Auto V | Credit: Rockstar Games

Future Efforts of Rockstar

The GTA Remastered Trilogy is not all that Rockstar has its hands on at the current time. They recently announced a survival mode for Red Dead Online and want to remaster parts of Red Dead Redemption. The company is in the process of making ports for Grand Theft Auto Online and Grand Theft Auto V as well, increasing its compatibility with the newest consoles. Rockstar, via its many updates, wants to focus more on enhancing the joy of its customers. Their goal is not to focus on making money.

Release of the Remastered Trilogy

Perform a quick search on social media or the internet, and you will easily find the excitement of fans over the GTA Remastered Trilogy. It is a set of games with a franchise with a sense of popularity spanning over two decades. The Rockstar team seems to have most of their time dedicated to creating the perfect remaster that honors the nostalgia of the old games while increasing the fun and playability. Be sure to check out this set for yourself when the release hits digital libraries in October or November.