A Beginners Guide to Crossout
The Guide to Crossout will introduce you to the foundations to this multiplayer game. Additionally, it will advance you enough to increase your in game abilities.

About the Guide to Crossout
The Guide to Crossout will introduce you to the foundations to this multiplayer game. Additionally, it will advance you enough to increase your in-game abilities for online multiplayer competition.
If you're fans of the movie Mad Max then we are sure Crossout is the perfect game for you. This dystopian post-apocalyptic game has easily earned a cult following that was considered the Most innovative game at E3. Additionally, the game offers massive features that include manufacturing cars and parts to personalizing your own characters.
There are no classes so players can create the way they want right from the start. Furthermore, players can trade or sell items that they have collected during battles. These are just a few of the features offered in Crossout.
Basic Controls
(W: Forward) (S: Brake/Reverse) (A: Left) (D: Right)
Guide to Crossout Features
There are seven different factions to choose from. Moreover, these tribes all have a separate story to tell but they also have learned to adapt to their environment.Because of this, each faction has different abilities, so players will prefer some better than others.Listed below are just a few factions you can choose from in the game.
- Engineers
- Lunatics
- Nomads
- Scavengers
- Steppenwolfs
- Dawn Children
- Firestarters
The world of Crossout is massive and covers one of the largest digital territories. Players will explore abandoned factories, deserts, war-torn cities and more.
In the world of Crossover, one could never survive alone. Join clans and fight together against others. Uniquely, this game offers players a place to participate in tournaments and joint battles.
Since 2016 Gaijin Entertainment has been publishing battle simulation games. In that time they have earned a number of awards and accolades. Some of their noteworthy awards include Best Game Developer, Best mobile game, best Technology and so much more. Not to mention, the Guinness World Record for most planes in a flight simulation for " War Thunder".
Power Score
Also known as (PS) describes the vehicle's approximate power.This value is the sum of the PS of all parts installed on the vehicle.
The Structure Value
shown in the characteristics window represents the maximum ‘health’ of the car.In combat, structure is displayed in the form of ‘health bars’ at the bottom of the screen. Upon receiving damage structure decreases. When the value drops to zero, the player's car is destroyed.
The number of parts is one of the factors limiting the player's possibilities in the design of combat vehicle
Energy is the main resource of the car, limiting its combat power.Available energy is determined by the characteristics of the cabin and installation of additional equipment — generators. Almost all types of weapons and most kinds of hardware consume this resource.
About the Developer
Gaijin Entertainment is also known to have set the stage for massive online mobile gaming. Their technology helped pave the path for the massive mobile play like we do today.For other titles from Gaijin click here and let us know how you enjoyed the game in the comments below.