Clash of Clans - Clan War Leagues
Clan war leagues are here and we want to how you and your clan are liking the new features.

Clash of Clans - Clan War Leagues
Alright clash of clans fans, it's time to talk about the clan war leagues. As you know, we're now into the second season of the new league wars. I want to see what you all think of the latest update. Clearly, the new features are a little different. That said, we found that it pretty easy to jump in and I'd say I even prefer it to the traditional clan wars. Once our clan figured it out, we rocked it, winning six out of the seven wars. How did your clan stack up? Did you find that the war matchups were realistic? One thing that we noticed on our side is that we have some bases that need to get their defenses upgraded. Hahaha
All in all, our matchups were not too bad, in fact, better than the stuff we saw in the conventional wars. This second season should be exciting though; it's looking a bit heavy on the town hall 12's, just saying. Is it just me or are the lower level town halls having less and less of a roll in wars? We've found that we end up opting out our town hall nines and lower.

Clan War Leagues - How About Those Rewards Tho?
Not too shabby! I can see them going to good use for sure, especially with defense and hero upgrades. I am however somewhat concerned with the apparent push to max players out. Hopefully, Super Cell will be able to keep things entertaining for the town hall 12's, and this rate, we're going to see more and more player topped out. Let us know how your clan is liking the clan war leagues; we're always curious to hear about things that are working, as well as things that aren't. Happy Clashing!